Ventnor Avenue is rare, with odds of 1 in 102,718,344. Five prizes of $5,000 cash will be awarded. YELLOW: Atlantic Avenue (#615), Ventnor Avenue (#616), and Marvin Gardens (#617).Indiana and Illinois Avenue are common game pieces, and each has odds of 1 in 10. With odds of 1 in 102,718,344, Kentucky Avenue is the rare game piece. Five prizes of $10,000 each are available to be won. RED: Kentucky Avenue (#612), Indiana Avenue (#613), and Illinois Avenue (#614).James Place and New York Avenue are common, with odds of 1 in 10 each. Tennessee Avenue is the rare game piece, with odds of 1 in 102,718,344. James Place (#609), Tennessee Avenue (#610), and New York Avenue (#611). Charles Place and States Avenue each have odds of 1 in 11. Virginia Avenue is rare, with odds of 1 in 51,359,172. Ten prizes of $2,000 cash will be awarded. Charles Place (#606), States Avenue (#607), and Virginia Avenue (#608). Oriental and Connecticut Avenues each have odds of 1 in 11. Vermont Avenue is rare, with odds of 1 in 51,359,172. Ten prizes of $1,000 cash will be awarded. LIGHT BLUE: Oriental Avenue (#603), Vermont Avenue (#604), and Connecticut Avenue (#605).The odds of finding Baltic Avenue are 1 in 11. Mediterranean Avenue is rare, with odds of finding it at 1 in 114,132. 4,500 prizes of $50 cash will be awarded. BROWN: Mediterranean Avenue (#601) and Baltic Avenue (#602).