Seeing the numbers of hours worked on each subject helps motivate me to continue to keep my bar graphs high, and the timer function is much easier than imputing your own time into something like Google Sheets if you want to see graphs of your productivity. I just use it to track how much time I spend studying, completing homework, and writing reports for each of my classes so that I have an overview and graph of what subjects I focus the most on.
Track my work time free#
The free version provides great multi-platform use for someone like me who doesn’t own a freelancing business and, as such, doesn’t need the capability to export billing documents or whatever to receive pay. Being able to sync seamlessly across the work on my devices and on my computer is fantastic and the again simple interface that lets me categorize my work in an easy to see manner has been great! Thanks for making this app!

So glad I found this app! I have NEVER been someone who enjoyed the idea of tracking their time, probably because nothing else ever stuck before, but when it become more necessary and I had to find a way, Toggl has been the first system I’ve stuck with now for months! The two stand out things for me are it’s simplistic straight to the point functionality (there isn’t all this fancy fluff to be a distraction, though it still looks nice), and the very helpful idle time reminder that means you don’t have to remember to clock in and out meticulously, if you get up from your work and forget to time out, it will separate that time and ask you when you come back if it should count that time or not! That has been a game changer for me! Also it has a helpful nudge to remind you to track your time if you happen to forget to start tracking.

The only time tracker that’s worked for me!